Library Puts Me on the Shelf Next to My Hero

"Loose Meat" would make a good Stephen King title, eh?

“Loose Meat” would make a good Stephen King title, eh?

The first time I entered a library as a little kid it was love at first sight. I couldn’t believe they had all those books and I was allowed to check out and take home and READ as many of them as I could carry. Immediately I made a plan to read every book in the whole building, starting at the top of the first bookcase and working my way left to right.. Soon it was scaled back to just the science fiction section, and I have to admit, I’m still short of my goal.

But if that is your system for picking books to read, go ahead and read the latest from Stephen King (End of Watch). After that, move on to my novel, The Loose Meat Sandwich King of Hamtramck.

I was delighted to discover my book right up there on the shelf next to Stephen King’s (thanks to alphabetical order, which the New York Times Review of Books doesn’t seem to know about yet) at the Helen Plum Library in Lombard, Illinois.

The Plum Library recently created a Local Authors program as a way of connecting regular readers with book writers from Lombard as well as the Chicago area. Interesting books don’t have to come from New York or L.A. anymore. There are creative, talented writers everywhere, and now you can find their stories on the same shelves with Arthur Conan Doyle and Erma Bombeck.

If its' in the library, then it's got to be a real book!

If its’ in the library, then it’s got to be a real book!

So if you have a library card, you now have the opportunity to enjoy my books, or the work of other local authors. Except you might have to get in line. I was going to show you all my books on the shelf, but two of them were checked out already.

checked out

Don’t worry. You can always request a hold.

So my love affair with the library is still alive.

Of course, if you can’t wait for the book to be returned, you can get your own copy from at

Tony Kordyban at Amazon